Old Florin Town Streetscape Improvements Phase 2

​Project Description

The Sacramento County Department of Transportation is moving forward with construction of the Old Florin Town Streetscape Improvement Phase 2 project on Florin Road between Power Inn Road and Florin-Perkins Road.

Construction Timeline

July 1, 2019 to July 18, 2020

Progress completed: 90% (As of June 9, 2020) *New

Project work

  • Construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk, and landscaped median.
  • Pavement improvements to accommodate bike lanes.
  • Installation of decorative street lights.
  • Modification of traffic signals at Florin Rd/Power Inn Rd, Florin Rd/Kara Dr, and Florin Rd/Florin-Perkins Rd.


During construction, one through lane in each direction will be maintained at all times and two through lanes in each direction will be maintained during the morning and evening rush hours. Access will be maintained to all residences and businesses during construction. Pedestrian and bicycle access will also be maintained.



Construction Photos

July 2020

Median prepped for landscaping


Completed center median


Completed center median


June 2020

Paving at Power Inn Road


Building Signal Standard


Laying down Slurry seal.


Contact Information

Crystal Tu, Civil Engineer
E-mail: tuc@saccounty.net
Phone: 916-874-6869


Stan Sorensen, Civil Engineer
E-mail: sorensens@saccounty.net
Phone: 916-874-2816​